On Motherhood: When the World is Closing In


On Motherhood: When the World Is Closing InSometimesWhen you least expect itThe world closes in.You feelWhat may be the very edges of the universeConstrictAnd the YouThat holds the marionette stringsOf the familySuddenly seems too bigToo FullToo sureThat you've filled up the familyWith too much of YouAnd not enough themAnd somehow --with all of your big-nessyou can't even see the part of you that you want to stand up the most.You are formyou are bodyyou are calendars and rules and remindersBut where is the You that ached for these babies?Where is the pool of pure loveThat fuels you but gets lost beneath the turning wheels?Remember:As the moments flyAnd the wheels turn fasterThat there is room for all of (Y)ou.All of the piecesNo matter how broken and fragmentedBe bigBut surrenderTo the love.The strings don't need to be heldWhen you remember:A family pours freely and trulyRight from a mama's heart.


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